Martha London, Metro North Chapter, Fall 2022

Martha London, from Malden, became a member of MSAC’s Metro North chapter in the fall of last year. For years, she’d been heavily active in her union at UMass Boston, the Professional Staff Union. But when she retired in early 2021 she wondered whether she’d be able to keep doing activism.

“I would be at loose ends if I wasn’t doing something political,” she said. So, a friend from her told her about MSAC. She described us, says Martha, as “hot stuff- they’re all over the legislature, the do really good work, they’re really active”

After going to one of MSAC’s demonstrations at Turtle Swamp brewing company against a landlord blocking new senior housing, she was hooked. “It was a great introduction to MSAC’s work; it was a lot of fun, people were really active, and it provides a real serious need.”

A member of the Massachusetts Teachers’ Association for 17 years, Martha was secretary for her union and a part of its bargaining team. Before that, she was immersed in issues around foreign wars and economic justice.

How did she get politicized? Martha doesn’t know for sure (“if we knew what politicized people, we’d put it in the water!” She says) but some of it had to do with who she knew.

“I just ran into the right people that were really admirable and interesting and fun and I just went from there, I didn’t come from a politically active background at all,” she said. “I was very lucky, I think.”

Some things she’s enjoyed most about our might group?

“The demonstrations are a riot — I have to say, MSAC’s demos are a lot more fun than anybody else’s, because there’s more of a feeling of solidarity.  And people are extremely friendly and outgoing. And of course, the costumes.”

A year and change after her friend recommended she check us out, she recommends the same thing to any senior looking for a way to build power and work for justice and social change.

“It’s good to be as active as you can be as long as you can, and I think MSAC provides that opportunity for people who are older and who might be isolated,” she said. “It’s always good to be active in some sort of organization that’s furthering people’s rights and a better life for people, and you have to pick whatever issue that’s most interesting to you, nearest to you.” 

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