Paulette Durrett, Boston Chapter, Summer 2023

Paulette is a woman that hears an issue, and is already ready to sign up for a solution. Her journey started with the Boston chapter of MSAC 6 years ago through chatting with another member about what things are available to do after retirement. She gravitated towards MSAC because she quickly found out that MSAC does not take it, but they take charge! Her first mobilization event took place during the S.O.S. (save our seniors) lobby day telling legislators to throw the seniors a life raft highlighting the high cost of healthcare for people over the age of 65. 

She hopes at some point everyone could experience a mobilization like the one she got to attend that day. She states “ We were very highly regarded at the statehouse, people were looking at us and recognized us and made sure they came over to say hey or how are you doing.” In addition, she spoke to the strength that exists in sharing your story, stating that members were able to build connections in the legislature through sharing their life experience and that is something that no one can take away from you. Growing up lots of time she heard, “you can't beat city hall”  but there she was surrounded by other senior activists who were being listened to because they were persistent and dedicated. 

She has been an active member not only within the Boston Chapter, but on the State level as well, fulfilling her duties as the Boston Chapter State board delegate. Outside of her time at MSAC,  Paulette is involved with many community organizations like Seniors on the Move, AARP #4685, Salvation Army and The Boston Disability commission advisory board.

 She has always had a “can do, and lets do” attitude towards creating change which she strongly feels aligns with the spirit of MSAC. It is important to her for folks to recognize that everyone has a different skill set but ultimately that's what makes a strong team. If we were all good at the same thing,  we would miss those valuable moments of teaching and learning from each other. 

Paulette encourages other retirees to join in the action.